Liberation from the restrictive aspects of collective images
The course aims to transmute the collective archetype programs that greatly condition man’s “destiny.” In her book Organic Universe, Italian astrophysicist Giuliana Conforto speaks about archetypes like this: “Enemies” are not single individuals but archetypes. As Carl Jung (1875-1961) discovered, archetypes are very few basic patterns that exist at the unconscious level and may emerge in the conscious if humans observe and recognize them. Most monstrous and terrifying “enemies” are composed of a great variety of images that point back to these very few patterns. Since these images are not under conscious control, humans tend to fear and fight them or deny their existence through repression.”
Pressured by subtle inner models, man often makes decisions that completely contradict their own true will and reflect typical collective programs. We are also prone to play roles that do not necessarily reflect our original identity but embody specific typical identities of the collective unconscious known as “archetypes.” In C. G. Jung’s school of psychology, archetypes are idealized models of a person, personality, or behavior, i.e., universal inner prototypes of human behavior, and they can, among other things, be used to interpret a therapist’s observations.
Jung used specific archetypes when diagnosing pathologic conditions in behavior or “complex” (archetype-related group of memories or impressions) so that we have a “mother complex,” a “father complex,” or a “martyr complex.” The aim of this course, however, is not only to diagnose but also to directly intervene with archetype models, i.e., to transmute an unconscious program putting enormous pressure on a person’s psyche to a freely and consciously chosen model of self-realization once a person is ready.
For example, the parent archetype is one of the strongest collective programs, and that is why one of man’s basic aspirations is to “replicate themselves” – so that every next family would start another family and realize themselves through parenthood. Such aspiration is thus not only biological – it is also psychological, and a collective psychological model preceding the biological one can be traced down. Man is created as a kind of bio-computer (hologram). He is thus equipped with basic programs determining his functioning.
Archetype is a program determining human aspirations, goals, and, thus, human behavior. Like HAL 9000, a supercomputer from Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, a human bio-computer also has no understanding of orders that clash with or are outside of his program. On the contrary – it attempts to realize the original order at all costs. It is not difficult to imagine the way such a program will reflect on parents who are not ready. Some want to have children, but not yet, while the pressure of a subtle inner program causes numerous problems – ranging from guilt feelings to heavy existential conflicts. A parent who is not ready and yields to the open or subtle pressure of an archetype model can heavily burden one’s own life and the life of a child he/she will raise in an inadequate way.
This archetype also influences unwanted pregnancies. They sometimes take place during “infertile days” or while using “reliable” means of contraception – thus shocking potential parents and doctors. The pressure of an archetype program influences bodily functions and can subdue the usual standard rules of physiological functions to realize itself. Transmuting this archetype can, therefore, enable potential parents to free themselves from its subtle pressure and transform an almost slave-like, automatic program into a consciously and freely chosen model of personal realization. This thus means creating a possibility of free choice, in contrast to letting oneself go with “the natural flow of life.” However, one has to be ready to create this possibility as there is no more chance to openly or subtly divert the responsibility on life, society, or family. Our choices are now conscious and independent; we know what we decided, why we made it, and who is responsible for the consequences of our decisions.
For spiritually orientated persons, transmuting archetypes will facilitate cleansing the last remains of self-importance to a great extent, i.e., it will enable avoiding the so-called “manna personality” phase, thus contributing to achieving the goals such as “losing the human form” or “deleting personal history.” A spiritually aware person who has the power and abuses it in a certain way can turn into a manna personality by identifying with one of the typical archetypes that accompany such a person – a Wizard, Magician, Teacher, Guru, or Father. Even though such a person has a certain level of awareness providing them with power, if they are not wholly purified and whole, they can’t evade the power of the archetype and start embodying some of the archetypal roles.
However, humans are not the role they play; one’s original identity is something else. The role is a means of communication with the outside world and oneself, while original human identity is what it is, regardless of the role. When the role is taken too seriously, we have problems. For example, if a knight carrying the shield to protect him in battle attempts to swim across the river, the shield that saved his life a moment ago will take him down to the bottom of the river. It is the same with the roles (identities) one plays in order to achieve a goal in a certain context – already in the next context, the old role must be replaced or updated by another one. However, if an aware (enlightened) person hasn’t consciously integrated collective unconscious programs, they will be ruled by prototypes or archetypes, and they will simply not be able to resist those influences.
Even though archetypes make up a part of man’s existence, man is no archetype. A person with a child has to embody an archetype role, the role of a parent – mother or father. They adopt this role temporarily until the child grows up, since without parent figures, the child cannot grow up and become emotionally stable and mature. However, being a parent is a role and not an original identity. Only when lacking awareness of one’s original identity and its numerous aspects is the person prone to identify with the surrogate or archetype. It is the same when it comes to society games, specifically the game of survival and realization in business. If people haven’t got an idea or a creative talent, they must work for others and do what society imposes on them. They then become ”clerks’, ”doctors” or ”professors”, are forced to wear a uniform (a suit) and accept limits imposed by the boss. However, everyone has some creative talent; they only need to make an effort and bring it to the surface. In the meantime, we will be ruled by imposed roles. An archetype is nothing else but an identity – a group of characteristics, beliefs, and goals – automatically and spontaneously set on us by the human collective unconscious in the form of a hidden, unwritten rule.
Archetypes are invisible filters of human perception and are responsible for many forms of idealization, idolatry, or illusions. They sometimes control people so much that an unconscious person will adore an archetype and person embodying it if they recognize them somewhere and consider it convincing enough. Worshiping various “idols” is a direct consequence of unconsciously projecting an archetype on someone embodying it. If we look at what the media use to sell themselves today, it mainly manipulates with archetypes. At the same time, archetype filters man’s perception of the so-called spiritual reality. Instead of adoring themselves and their original nature, people need a priest or some saint they adore and who is intermediate between them and the Spirit (God).
All religions skillfully use archetypes to manipulate. Religious intolerance, i.e. religious wars, which are the cruelest ones in history, show to which extent they control man. Present conflicts are partly also of religious nature – the war in former Yugoslavia has often been seen as the war of the Orthodox, the Catholics, and the Muslims, while the Iraqi war is seen as the conflict of Western, Judeo-Christian civilization and ”Muslim extremists”. It is thus obvious that archetypes control man for a reason. This reason is nothing else than an emotional need attempting to be fulfilled through an archetype. The influence of an archetype marks an early phase in man’s development, one’s journey towards emotional maturity. However, once emotional maturity is realized (and nowadays, it is still one of the highest goals and ideals, even for the majority of spiritually orientated persons), what comes into play is a liberated and whole person who respects the archetype but doesn’t adore it.

Archetype models are placed in the ninth layer of the aura, and we can perceive them by meditating or watching our behavior and automatic reaction. The „major arcane“ of the Tarot cards are an excellent source of archetype models – it is recommended to acquire Tarot cards and thoroughly explore the meaning of main cards before taking this course. A whole range of aspects of each of the twenty basic archetypes is covered there. Since they all have a very complex structure and are present in people’s lives in many dimensions, they can create many problems, sharing a seemingly invisible common denominator. Archetypes are dissolved carefully and thoroughly, considering they were initially designed to teach us something and not rule us.
Like any other detrimental entity entwined with our personality, the archetype needs to be approached in a constructive way and dissolved by finding and integrating the original aspect of our soul that was temporarily replaced by the archetype. The course is thus practical and intensive to the maximum – observing and transmuting archetypes present a complex process followed by deep inner de-identification from a so far almost invisible and seemingly invincible, “normal” limitation. This is why we nowadays have another possibility – an archetype may and may not be a means of our realization, as transmuting archetypes from unconscious programs into a freely created means of personal realization provides one with an enormous quantity of freedom.
Transmuting each archetype induces a thorough change in one’s life. Therefore, this course is intended exclusively for stable persons who are ready to bring change into every aspect of their lives. However, even though it is designed for advanced spiritual practitioners, they better not take the course if they aren’t ready. Transmuting archetypes of the collective unconscious presents a solid blow to human sleepiness, i.e., traditional human models, and dissolving them completely will require at least six months of intensive dedication. This type of work certainly falls into the domain of luxury, and one has to have the means to provide this kind of luxury. If one doesn’t have them – in the form of readiness to change and time to work – it is better to first work on creating this readiness and only then take up transmuting archetypes.
We could, therefore, say that the transmutation of archetypes presents one of the final processes of inner purification that precede the chance to create the reality known as the “golden age” in one’s life again. Without the unconscious rule of archetypes, the person can turn back into an innocent and pure being who doesn’t need to do or be anything else except what they choose. Even though society imposes many meaningless and almost insane duties and life roles (often unavoidable), man’s only duty is to create the so-called “Heaven on Earth” – first within oneself, of course, and then in one’s environment. We don’t need to do anything else, even though the subtle pressure of society and the unconscious pressure of archetypal (and many other) programs lead us to believe that we are not successful, good enough, or worthy enough unless we follow their orders unreservedly. However, the golden age is coming – returning to the state of original innocence, purity, love, and alertness isn’t far anymore. It is high time that war, conflicts, and all other unnatural processes stop. Global transformation, which is taking place at the moment, can – for those who want it – end by returning to their true homeland – the original Self.
• Basic sorts of archetypes – 22 Tarot trumps analysis
• Dissolving destructive aspects of archetypal images
• Ninth layer of aura and its characteristics
• Re-integration of all nine astral bodies
• Archetypal organs’ energywork