This branch of astrology is slightly different from the usual, prediction-oriented astrology. It is based both on the future and the past because it is focused on past incarnations and experiences that person went through and their influence on this life.

Spiritual astrology is based on metaphysical theory, according to which there is one transpersonal center, Self or Soul, that is man’s true identity. The Soul exists independently of the physical body and ego or personality. The Soul uses the material body to gather different experiences and gain the knowledge she chooses to learn. Planet Earth is considered to be a place for learning and development and not just a place for fun or, on the other side, for brutal suffering. Before being incarnated, the Soul chooses the direction of her development, the kind of experiences she wants to go through, and the lessons to be learned. Soul bases her decisions on awareness of her past lives and her connectedness to the universal spirit, or God.

A spiritual horoscope provides you with an overview of past existences, with experiences you gained through them, and clear insight into chosen tasks and lessons you are going through or are about to go through. In the same way, as we have chosen our physical bodies, we have also chosen many other circumstances of our lives, together with the amount of free will to choose and change the direction of our development in the course of our lives.

The outcome of a two-hour séance is to determine which chosen tasks, directions of development, forms of experiences, and lessons are inscribed in our natal horoscopes. Instead of being a passive victim of “fate,” we can find out how to actively fulfill our tasks and thus become active participants and creators of our destiny.